For sale sign outside old house Property Valuation

As we are all aware adhering to government guidelines during lockdown is essential.

Whilst we are all limiting contact as much as possible there will be circumstances where a vacant home will need to be visited. One of these is when valuing probate property.

With that in mind we have put in place a process to, as much as possible, ensure the following:

  • That all parties involved in any face-to-face interactions feel reassured that their best interests are of upmost importance
  • We are adhering to the government’s social distancing guidelines

Before arranging a property valuation visit

As said, protecting the health and safety of all is our top priority when considering any work that will involve face-to-face interactions.

With that in mind before carrying out any on-site visit we will call to discuss COVID guidelines, using the following questions to guide our discussion:

  1. Has anyone who has recently visited the property, shown any symptoms of COVID-19; a new continuous cough, high temperature, loss of sense of taste and smell in the past 10 days?
  2. Have you (executor or similar visiting the property to allow access) shown any symptoms of COVID-19; a new continuous cough, high temperature, loss of sense of taste and smell in the past 10 days?
  3. Is anyone attending the property valuation or part of the visit awaiting the outcome of a COVID-19 Test (either a legal colleague, a supplier or a member of the estate’s friends and family)?

Pending the answers to the above questions, we will then advise how to proceed with valuing the property.

The valuation visit

Prior to the visit – ensure all internal doors have been opened

During the visit

  • Upon entering the property hands should be sanitised
  • All parties attending at the property must maintain a minimum of 2 metres distance

Helping you to manage probate property during lockdown

We continue to support busy solicitors and executors during lockdown:

  • Maintaining, protecting and insuring probate property
  • Valuing probate property
  • Marketing and selling probate property

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